by Rune Werliin
High level of purchase intent
Despite the fact that Disney+ has just gone live in the US and the release in Europe is still months away (Disney+ will launch in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and a number of other European countries on March 31, 2020), the new streaming service is already looking to become a challenger for the top spots in the heavily crowded field of streaming services. In the US, the awareness of Disney’s new streaming service is already massive where more than half of all Americans have heard about it. Additionally, no less than 43% of Americans intend to subscribe to the streaming service.
Disney+ will hurt Netflix
One thing is how many are expecting to sign up to Disney+, another thing is how this stream of new subscriptions to Disney+ will impact the existing players.
The good news for the incumbent services is that most people will keep their existing packages. However, about 40% of the subscriber-intenders in most countries expect to cancel their subscription to one or more of Disney’s competitors – in Finland, it is actually as many as three-quarters. Not surprisingly, Netflix is the streaming service that most people will give up. In the US, Norway and Finland, the likely drop will hit the hardest with 7%, 8% and 8%, respectively.
Netflix number one in all countries
Although Disney+ is expected to steal a substantial share of Netflix’s users, it is not all sour for the American giant. For the first time, Netflix is the streaming service used by most people in all the seven countries covered in our study – even in Finland, where the local broadcaster YLE up until now has been sitting on the throne.
Get further insights
In our study, you can learn more about which impact the launch of Disney+ will have as well as get insights into the current state of the usage of traditional TV, online video and streaming in the US, UK, Germany and Nordics. Enjoy!
The study is based on survey answers from respondents across seven countries; the US, the UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. The Disney+ part of the study is based on more than 6.000 individual survey respondents and the media usage part of the study is based on more than 16.000 individual survey respondents.
This article is republished from Audience Project under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.