On Wednesday, (4 October 2023), Kagiso Capital in collaboration with Kagiso Trust and the FirstRand Empowerment Foundation will host a seminar on the efficacy of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE).
The seminar in Sandton will held under the theme “Beyond the Façade – The Bittersweet Reality of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment”.
B-BBEE has been a pivotal policy instrument in addressing historical inequalities and the transformation of black ownership and participation in the economy.
Organisers said the challenge was the discussion on B-BBEE impact, progress, and potential improvement remains a polarising issue.
The seminar will provide a platform for open, data insights-driven discussion on ownership, and significant transactions to date and unpack the complexities of structuring policy-aligned transactions in a dynamic ever-shifting socio-economic environment.
The seminar will feature a dynamic line-up of speakers and panellists to mainstream discussions that often happen in isolation and to present a diverse range of views.
Speakers include Kgolo Qwelane (RMB), Duma Gqubule (Financial Analyst), Tshediso Matona (BEE Commissioner), Polo Leteka (Identity Fund Capital), Ernst van Zyl (Afriforum) and Kganki Matabane (CEO Black Business Council.
Other speakers and key stakeholders representing a broad spectrum of perspectives and expertise are lined up to contribute.
These speakers are from the government, regulatory bodies such as the B-BBEE Commission, business forums, private sector leaders, entrepreneurs, broad-based organisations/NGOs, and civil rights organisations.
The others are corporate financial lawyers.