It’s safe to say that the internet is a truly wonderful thing in more ways than one. Whether it’s getting a fix of entertainment by watching the latest episode of a hit Netflix show, or sending across an important business email to a client, the internet allows people to do things that simply weren’t possible until the latter stages of the 20th century and beyond.
However, there is also a dark side of the internet, and it’s that cybercrime is constantly on the rise. Year after year, people are having their data stolen either by being incredibly unlucky, or just failing to take the necessary precautions. The same goes for those who live in residential areas too, who might not know exactly what it takes to ensure optimal online safety.
If you happen to be the administrator of a residential community, there are several things you can do to educate residents on how to keep themselves protected online. Just one of the best recommendations is undoubtedly using a VPN. If you get one up and running on a network or system, you’ll be able to enjoy such benefits as AES-256 cipher encryption, which just so happens to be a military-grade algorithm, as mentioned in this Zenmate VPN review (find it on VPNpro).
The following article will provide our top tips on how network administrators can help to ensure online safety for residential areas. So, continue reading – it’s time for us to tell you everything that you need to know.
What are the Best Ways to Ensure Online Safety?
Educate Residents on Online Dangers
Particularly if residents aren’t so technically minded, there is every chance that they could unwittingly be putting themselves at risk due to not being aware of online dangers. For that reason, it is very important for the network administrator to make everyone in the residential community aware of exactly what can happen if they aren’t careful enough.
Training the community in online safety awareness and procedures can help to prevent cybercrime in the first place. So, it is well worth providing them with expert technical security advice so that they can look out for any red flags which can be reported before it is too late.
Informing residents of just how dangerous the internet can be will ensure that they are made fully aware of the things they need to look out for. So, it’s well worth taking the time to ensure they are kept fully up to date with the knowledge they need to help fend off all the latest online dangers.
Install Internet Security Software
Internet security packages such as best antivirus software and firewalls are one of the first steps you can take when it comes to ensuring safety online. This will mean that when a resident visits a potentially malicious website or downloads any suspicious files, they will be alerted immediately.
Such security software can be configured by a network administrator, who will have the knowledge required to ensure that any malware, viruses, scams, and other online threats remain at bay. Software such as a firewall will also help to defend against unauthorized access to the network. In turn, this means that the likelihood of an online attack will be much less likely.
Use a VPN
Those who browse the web without using a VPN are undoubtedly putting themselves at risk when it comes to online safety. This is because, without one, cybercriminals have the ability to snoop in on internet activity and potentially steal personal information.
Particularly when connected to an open WiFi network which doesn’t even require a password to access, the web traffic which is processed through that particular network can be easily intercepted by online criminals.
While internet security software undoubtedly goes a long way in ensuring protection against online dangers, the only way to achieve truly safe and anonymous browsing is by using a VPN. Not only will this encrypt all web traffic which is processed over the network, it will also mask your IP address and spoof your location too. So, it’s safe to safe that a VPN is a rather essential requirement in an age where cybercrime is constantly rising.
As we’ve looked into in this article, there are many reasons why the internet is a good thing for all – including those who live in a residential community. But, by not taking the steps towards optimal online protection, there’s every chance that you could fall victim to the plethora of cybercriminals who often stop at nothing to grab hold of any personal information.
Thankfully, the tips outlined in the article will ensure that the network administrator can do everything in their power to help prevent any online attacks occurring. Educating the residential community on online dangers is just the start. But, if they are given more of an idea of the things they need to look out for, they can help to stop cybercriminals in th