A Cell C executive who oversaw compensation and benefits at the mobile phone company has, according to insiders, been ‘fired’.
TechFinancials has reliably learned that Wayne Heard, Cell C’s executive for compensation and benefits, who started working for the company in February 2013, left last month.
Cell C did not respond to queries on the matter since yesterday.
However, Cell C has previously stated that they do not comment on reasons why executives leave the company, except for the CEO.
On Saturday impeccable sources at Cell C told TechFinancials that Heard was initially suspended just after compiling a “correct head count” of Cell C’s staff complement.
He was, thereafter, pushed to agree to take a mutual separation package that bars him from disclosing anything about Cell C, plus his reasons for departure, said, insiders.
They told TechFinancials that the true Cell C’s staff complement remains “a guarded secret”.
Total figures of the workforce at Cell C don’t tally with the actual numbers. To this day, Cell C has failed to give out accurate staff numbers.
Heard’s LinkedIn profile confirms that he left the company last month, but attempts to reach him failed.
He joins a growing list of other executives, who left the company without any public explanation.