The firing of Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene by President Zuma late on Wednesday has resulted in people taking on Twitter to express outrage. The hashtag #ZumaMustFall has started trending and commentators have also written editorials expressing indignation. By Staff Writer
DAILY MAVERICK wrote in its Editorial: “It’s a strange time to live in this country; it’s strange to be a party to its staccato, barely intelligible rhythms. The Jacob Zuma presidency, which became an inevitability after the bloodletting in Polokwane in 2007, has now descended to its nadir—the point where self-generated crisis after self-generated crisis has met a commodities meltdown, resulting in something even the most vituperative of Zuma’s detractors couldn’t have predicted: a suicidal kleptocracy so brazen that the president doesn’t bother trying to cover up his true intentions any longer.”
Bruce Whitfield says the move to replace Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene is grotesquely irresponsible. Writing for Eyewitness News, Whitfield said: “South Africa is teetering on the brink of financial crisis and the decision on Wednesday by President Jacob Zuma to replace respected Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene with an outsider with zero experience within the national treasury is grotesquely irresponsible.”
Twitter users criticized Zuma for firing Nene and replace him with largely unknown David van Rooyen.
This guy is enjoying every minute of his presidency #ZumaMustFall
— #SickWearLifestyle (@LeeSaid_E) December 10, 2015
Are there not people of intelligence in the #ANC who can see the country is being ruined? They MUST remove the rot, or perish #zumamustfall
— Heather Steel (@HSteel5) December 10, 2015
If students cld do #FeesMustFall, y cant da country b on some #ZumaMustFall campaign? Surely if da country is shutdown somethin wll happen?
— ⭐Malekobane ™⭐ (@debbiDBR) December 10, 2015
I see #ZumaMustFall is trending. What’s next…we all march to the union buildings?
— Theo Pappas (@Theo_Pappas30) December 10, 2015
Our president is a liability to our country!.#ZumaMustFall
— PlaySAMusic (@PlaySAMusic) December 10, 2015
If we think the ANC will see this and worry, nope. They are out of touch with people on the ground.The’ll defend him kadibono #ZumaMustFall
— Maurice Pete (@MauGooner) December 10, 2015
Because he put the people before ANC, we lost a great leader, #ZumaMustFall
— #ZumaMustFall (@KehalemoKhaba) December 10, 2015
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