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Author: Gugu Lourie
The Visa Bootcamp’s intensive content is designed to fuel all early-stage FinTech companies.
Vodacom has also signed wholesale agreements with another two third-party network infrastructure providers – SADV and Metrofibre Networx.
If the site is increasingly where people are getting their news, what could the company do without taking up the mantle of being a final arbiter of truth?
Established businesses will now, for the first time, also be able to access institutional funds, which have previously been reserved for corporates via the corporate bond market. Corporate and established businesses can apply for funding up to R100m.
In the run-up to the annual Christmas e-commerce rush, Cull said ISPA was issuing a call to its members to brainstorm ways for the industry to collaborate more closely on how network security incidents could be turned into learning opportunities
Young black South Africans have been raised to believe that friendship across the races is an indicator of progress. Now, a generation into democracy, they are questioning this
European technology and more generally, technology outside of the US has now broken the mould of trying to be the next “silicon valley” and created its own identity and momentum.
If you find your partner having a virtual relationship with someone else – or with a computer-generated individual – is that the same as adultery?
Mercedes with its mbrace and Mercedes me systems, offers the most complete set of Internet of Things (IoT) features and solutions.
The continued digitalization of the global economy will demand new skills. Universities – not only in Africa but across the globe – need to adapt quickly to teach students relevant skills.