All shareholders of Welkom Yizani, the black economic empowerment (BEE) shares of Media24, will be receiving a net special dividend of 18c/share for the 2015 financial year to benefit from the listing of Novus Holdings. By Gugu Lourie
Welkom Yizani holds 15% stake in Media24, a print media dominated operation within the Naspers stable.
The board of Media24 will recommend that a R100 million special dividend be pay to shareholders, including Welkom Yizani, of the media firm at the annual general meeting to be held on Monday.
Welkom Yizani investors will receive a dividend of R3 million, resulting in each shareholder being paid 18c/share
“The board recommends the special dividend on a once-off basis. It is specifically recommended to allow the Welkom Yizani ordinary shareholders to share in the proceeds of the Novus Holdings listing ,” said Rachel Jafta, the chairperson of Welkom Yizani.
Novus Holdings, formerly known as Paarl Print, was listed on the JSE on 31 March 2015 after it was partially unbundling of into a separate operation. Media24 retained 66.5% shareholding in Novus.
This move have finally realise some cash for Welkom Yizani shareholders, who have only been benefiting from annual ordinary dividends.
However many Welkom Yizani investors had already lost patience and exited the investment at a loss.
The share price of Welkom Yizani is currently trading at R10.03 a share, a same level it has been trapped for years.
The stock shot up over the past few days to hit a high of R25.00 per share on 17 March 2015, but quickly retreated to its paltry levels of R10.00 a share.
Welkom Yizani shares had been trapped at R10.00 per share, which caused much consternation from initial investors. These investors paid in a subscription of R10.00 per share at the establishment of the scheme in 2006. Then the scheme’s shares were listed for trading on an over the counter platform on the 9th of December 2013. The shares were stuck at R10.00 for more than a year and at one point sunk to R3.50.
Currently, the are 14.6 million Welkom Yizani shares on issue value at more than R146 million.
Media24 has not had the best of times in the past few years as profitability suffered. This was largely a result of dwindling advertising revenue. This picture did not bode well for the heavily indebted BEE scheme.
Media24 is one of the largest media companies in the country with huge exposure to the struggling print media. Its assets include well known titles like City Press, Daily Sun, Beeld, Rapport and a host of knock and drops and magazines.
While the stock is trapped in the R10.00 range, Welkom Yizani shareholders will also share R4.3 million in ordinary dividends, which will result in each investors getting 25c/share in the 2015 financial year versus the same amount in 2014 financial year.
That said, media firms globally are in transition and Media24 is looking at new ways to create shareholder value even for its BEE scheme Welkom Yizani.
Traditional revenue sources are declining and many media companies are struggling to adapt.
Jafta explains: “Media24 was one of the forerunners in investing in new areas close to our core expertise and actively optimising our cost base. These new businesses are showing good results and while print and digital media remains at the heart of what we do, we are diversifying the company for future growth.”
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Could you please help me redeem my shares
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I would like to redeem my shares please.
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How can I claim these above mentioned dividends, and how long will it take?
how can i claim my shares
Since buying shares in 2006, I never got anything for my shares. Can you please help me to get information on what is going on involving my shares.
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Since I buy shares 2016, I have never receive any dividends could you kindly explain what’s going on pls
I bought shares in 2006 I never receive anything for my shares.Can you please help me to get information on what is going on in evolving my shares.And I would like to redeem my shares please.
Kind regards
MA Mphuthi
Comment:how worthy are my share and how can I transferred them
Good morning I only receive 6.80 is that what I have in my shares please explain
Bought shares years ago. I have no idea where I stand. Is it possible to advise me as to where I stand?
how long does one have to wait for a reply
Hi Nomangesi,
We did respond directly to your email. Apologies if you didn’t get the res[ponse.
To get a professional help please contact Inkuzi Wealth at 011 047 6500
Its been years I bought shares,I do not receive any dividends or any clarity,can I get an explanation
l would like to know how much is my sheres, can l be sent my information on how to track my shares to know the value of them today sinse l joined in 2006
Hi i am Lehoso Njakata also benefiting from your promising wealth,can i be sent information on how to track my shares to know the value of them today.
Hi,bought shares in 2006 and have change personal bank details.need to update.
Betty, contact Welkom Yizani at 0860 12 12 24 or [email protected]
good day, I wanted to know the total value of my shares please
I bought shares since 2006 and its now 2020 not sure of what is happening with them, what do i do please help
How can I get my share cause since this I never received any
I bought shares since 2006 and it happened that I lost my cellphone and had a problem when I tried to do sim-swap. Now I am unable to get information regarding my shares. Kindly respond for feedback on the below details.
Please contact [email protected] Tel: 0860 12 12 24 to update your details and phone number