Just How Innovative Is Discovery Bank’s Home Loan Product?By Conri Botha2024-05-27 While Discovery Bank’s new home loan product is marketed as innovative due to its personalised interest rates and shared-value banking…
Why An Independent Bond Originator is key to your home buying successBy Staff Writer2020-10-21 Navigating banking systems is almost always stressful and tediously litigious, and particularly true when it comes to applying for a…
Making Sure Your Home Buying Story Is a Love Story and not a Horror StoryBy Staff Writer2020-10-20 It was a dark and stormy summer night. As they curled up on the couch, the couple swooned over the…
Spring Into Action This Spring – 6 Steps To Buying The Perfect HomeBy Staff Writer2020-09-18 Spring is one of the best seasons to buy a home. The weather is warming and the positive shift in…
Coronavirus: SA’s Real Estate and Home Loan Industry Performs Better than ExpectedBy Staff Writer2020-05-31 South Africa is currently under lockdown Alert Level Four about to enter Alert Level Three and has seen every sector…