The number of South African school students succeeding in maths at a school level is in steady decline. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed even more strain on learners wanting to improve and further their maths skills.
Summarising the Department of Basic Education’s school report of 2019, the department claims that since 2015 there has been a steady decline each year in the number of students who sit and write exams for subjects vital to the growth of the economy such as maths and science.
To participate in easing this economic concern, Ivy Academy has stepped in to fill the gap by recently introducing a world-class structured online schooling programme as a solution to the decline in maths skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. This structured online distance provider paves the way for a brighter future not only for the learner, but for the economy as well.
Ivy Academy specialises in online quality education for children at a school-going age and places high importance on developing and honing maths skills in students. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the online distance education provider noticed how South African students struggled to maintain high scores in various subject areas, namely maths. Learners can now enjoy online adaptive and structured learning with a focus on maintaining and improving their maths skills.
Ivy Academy provides adaptive learning whereby the backend ensures that the level is in sync with students’ maths knowledge and skills. As the student progresses, the questions become more challenging, therefore improving a student’s maths skills. However, if a student is struggling, then the backend will stop presenting the student with questions and explain where and what the student needs to focus on. Only after this is achieved, will the student be able to continue with the syllabus.
“Ivy Academy provides adaptive learning whereby the backend ensures that the level is in sync with students maths knowledge and skills,” said Eli Katz, CEO of Ivy Academy. “As the student progresses, the questions become more challenging, therefore improving a student’s maths skills. However, if a student is struggling, then the backend will stop presenting the student with questions and explain where and what the student needs to focus on. Only after this is achieved will the student be able to continue.”
Ivy Academy’s artificial intelligence engine, Ivy Online, gathers data on students’ progress, behaviour and performance. The data is then transferred to an algorithm where predictions are made as to where the student risk levels are, thereby monitoring student activity. When human intervention is required, notification alerts are sent to the relevant qualified teachers for speedy assistance.
Ivy Academy revolutionised online schooling with the introduction of a structured online programme and advanced top-notch online platform. Offering high-quality online education, resources and support, wherever the student may be, learners will be able to be flexible with their studies and have the added option to specialise in one of Ivy Academy’s career-focused courses. These courses include Music (with Soul Candi), Skills of the Future (IT/Tech skills) and Media (Journalism and Radio).