Freelancing is growing at a rapid speed in South Africa. South Africans are taking this on full-time or part-time.
If you are looking at freelancing part-time, make sure there is nothing in your full-time job contract that prohibits you from working odd jobs. We sourced 5 top tips to consider before you start your freelancing career.
5 Must-knows:
- What makes you special?– your Unique Selling Point. This is a skill or talent you can market to bring in an income. Find your niche and let your talent shine.
- WWW – Make sure you have a great internet connection. If you are going to be working remotely from your computer, you will need a great internet connection to keep your business alive. If you don’t know where to start have a look at our article:Â How To Find The Best Broadband Deal
- Work Smart. Smartphones dominate our lives. With the latest advancements, you can take your business with you wherever you go. Invest in a capable smartphone to stay in the loop when you are not in front of your PC.
- Manage your hours. The biggest downfall for Freelance agents is the management aspect. If you want to earn a good paycheque you have to put in the hours to make it happen. Discipline yourself to sit down and get it done.
- Market your skills:Â Market yourself! You will not get any work if no one knows about you. You need to advertise and bring in the business. Remember, there are free platforms to market yourself like GumTree.
Freelancing platforms are easy to register to and offer tons of different job opportunities.
To find out about the top freelancing platforms, click here.