“We’d like to Tell-Com-Petitors off but their customers already did,” says Cell C in an advert placed in the Sunday Times newspaper, taking a veiled jibe at Telkom after it aired a radio ad saying Cell C’s contract buy-out plan doesn’t offer real value. By Gugu Lourie
Taking a veiled jibed at Telkom, Cell C said on Sunday in an advert published in the Sunday Times that a competitor recently aired a radio ad saying contract buyout doesn’t offer real value, which is not true at all.
“Now, the rules say that we’re not allowed to mention their name…So even though we’d like to tell-com-petitors off, we can’t,” reads the ad.
Cell C continues, “Thankfully, their customers already did it for us – when they bought themselves out of our competitors network with contract buy out to join ours. Because at Cell C we believe that exceptional deals speak louder than words. So go in store and join Cell C, where we will buy you out of your contract for up to R10 000.”
Earlier this year, Cell C offered to give customers of its rivals up to R10, 000 to help them buy themselves out of their contract should they want to move to Cell C but still have an outstanding value to settle before they can cancel.
In July, Cell C challenged potential customers to try its network for free.
“You wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it would you? Well what about a cellphone network?,” Cell C ask potential customers.
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Lol Tell-Com-Petitors. Sunday Times is smiling all the way to the bank with this ad and I hope Cell C’s investment on this is and will bring more customers or is money wasted. Nice ad – love it!
I love the creativity, but I wish the networks were using it to provide us with creative products.