In the dynamic world of digital education, collaboration is emerging as a key part of innovation and success. There are many innovators in the online education space, but strategic partnerships between leading educational providers can build a higher level of education opportunities, and deliver the kind of rich, diverse learning experiences that can really change lives.
It has become clear that education is more than a marketplace of competing offerings, a zero-sum game where some platforms or institutions can succeed, at the expense of others. There is room for multiple offerings, each with a focus on a particular area.
Given this approach, there are therefore also great opportunities for education channels to work together, collaborating to create ecosystems of training possibilities that become for greater than the sum of their parts. This is especially true for online education.
The digital dividend
Telecoms businesses also have a powerful role to play in this partnership economy, as they are able to leverage their digital assets and expertise to bring online education within reach for those hungry for training opportunities.
A recent DataPortal report found that 28% of South Africans still do not have access to the internet. There is therefore a huge opportunity to telcos to expand connectivity as a way of enhancing educational access.
One telco playing a pivotal role in the technology evolution is Telkom, which provides the digital backbone for much of South African society, through its 170 000km fibre-optic network, its 10 carrier-neutral data centres, more than 3 900 mobile towers and its expanding network of 4G sites and 5G sites, Telkom is laying the groundwork for a more connected and digitally inclusive future
Beyond its vast connectivity network, Telkom has built a powerful online learning platform in Telkom LEARN, which offers quality online basic- and higher-education training the TelkomLearn portal. Fundamental to the success of the platform is its partnership approach.
“At Telkom, we believe in digital inclusion and equal access to education,” says Dr Mmaki Jantjies, Group Executive for Innovation and Transformation. “While we offer comprehensive programs from basic to higher education, we recognise the power of collaboration. By partnering with globally recognised leaders in education and technology, we can provide our students with the highest quality training and opportunities.”
Specialist partners
The TelkomLearn basic education programme is presented in partnership with Lightbulb EdTech, and features daily interactive live classes led by dedicated tutors and gamified courses for engaging revision.
The higher-education offering features courses from highly respected industry partners, including IBM, Microsoft, HP, Duke University, Google and Alibaba.
Jantjies says the TelkomLearn online courses are designed to develop directly relevant skills required in the working world both now and in the future.
“As a student, you want to gain the skills you need to have a competitive advantage for long-term career success,” says Jantjies. “Because we offer courses designed by tech industry leaders, the courses we offer on our platform are tailored to the current and future needs of that industry.”
The beauty of the digital learning environment is also that it is agile, and can be adapted and augmented – almost in real time – as the professional environment evolves.
Easy adaptability
A digital space is not like the faculty of a traditional tertiary institution, with tenured stakeholders invested in a particular type of course content. With digital learning, as a technological field emerges – Data science, IoT, AI, Cloud, neuromorphic computing or extended reality – new partners can be enlisted to offer training in the discipline. It can therefore constantly be updated and refreshed to remain relevant.
Further advantages of a partnership approach to e-learning are being able to provide students and parents with insights, support resources and guidance during the learning journey. These can include tips on creating a conducive learning environment and information about the most promising career paths to follow.
As a telecoms provider, Telkom is also in a position to support TelkomLearn students through exclusive discounts on data and devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones while they pursue their studies and look to advance their careers.
“We know enough about culture, society and technology to understand that you can’t achieve much all by yourself. It takes collaboration,” says Jantjies. “Connecting our students and young people to a better life through digital learning is a joint effort. As society and the workplace advances, we will keep partnering to ensure that education keeps pace.”