Balwin Energy, the solar energy business focused on providing photovoltaic (PV) energy solutions at Balwin’s developments, continues with the rollout of photovoltaic (PV) solutions at all active developments.
The developer said Balwin Energy generated 3.3 GWh of energy during the year and is already making a
contribution to the group’s profitability, albeit not materially at this stage.
The continued roll-out of PV solutions remains a key strategic initiative of the group as it supports affordability by reducing residents’ utility costs, while providing annuity income to the group.
The remaining early-stage annuity businesses did not contribute materially to the group’s results.
While the current macroeconomic environment will no doubt place pressure on demand for residential housing in the short- to medium term, Balwin has taken the initiative by offering clients attractive incentives to buy homes.
The susidiary of Balwin is continuing with the rollout PV solutions.
Balwin Energy installed the first battery backup solution in April 2023 at The Reid, Linbro Park.
In addition to placing less reliance on the energy grid, the Balwin interventions also seek to reduce the utility bills for Balwin homeowners, a competitive advantage when considering the rising costs of living and uncertainty with energy supply.
The developer said the sales incentives launched in the year to end-Feberuary 2023 have shown encouraging results.
“While these incentives are expected to place short-term pressures on the margin of the group, they will assist in
sustaining the demand required by the group to ensure a consistent rate of construction which is critical to achieving the required product quality.”
Also read: How Many Balwin Properties Are Connected To Fibre?
Balwin – a specialist, national residential property developer of large-scale, sectional title estates for South Africa’s growing low-to-middle income population – continues to connect its apartments to fibre.
The company’s apartments are designed to appeal to a wide range of home buyers, catering for a first-time, young professional, young family, older family, retirees, as well as buy-to-let investors.
Today, Balwin announced that Balwin Fibre progressed steadily during the year to end-February 2023, increasing its subscriber base by 27% or 1 763 subscribers to 8 230.
The developer added that 72% of apartments handed over during the year were converted into subscribers.