By Staff Writer
Judgement in the challenge by Solidarity Union to obtain an interdict against Telkom’s planned job cuts has been reserved by the Labour Court in Johannesburg.
Judge David Gush reserved judgement today in Solidarity’s urgent application against Telkom’s restructuring process.
Judgement will be served in the Labour Court tomorrow at 11:00.
The application, which was heard in the Labour Court in Johannesburg, was lodged after Telkom disregarded the agreement with trade unions with regard to restructuring processes.
Marius Croucamp, spokesman at Solidarity, said the union is hopeful that the court will intervene for the sake of the workers.
“Telkom simply cannot be allowed to force the restructuring process on employees. It is not only unfair to the employees who are once again subject to a comprehensive retrenchment process, but it will also lead to a massive break in trust between employees and management,” says Croucamp.
This latest restructuring process at Telkom may lead to the retrenchment of up to 4 400 employees while a further 3 400 may be transferred to other companies.
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