By staff writer
OPENTENDERS, SA’s business social network connecting entrepreneurs with procurement opportunities, has reacted positively to the prospective launch of Government’s e-tender portal, as stated in the Budget Speech last month.
During his speech Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene announced that Government would implement a central tender portal from April this year. Minister Nene said: “It will be compulsory that all (public) tenders be advertised on this portal, and all tender documents will be freely available there. Tender advertisements in newspapers and the government gazette will be phased out.”
“We are excited about this new Government portal as it makes our business easier and does not impact on the extra services our portal offers, such as SMME project finance and skills development,” said Mnive Nhlabathi, OPENTENDERS Co-Founder & COO. offers four main services, our instant email notifications of tender and procurement opportunities from government and the private sector in South Africa and selected African countries. Project finance for qualifying SMMEs, business-to-business online networking service and training in the area of tendering and procurement.
“The challenge our business has had with SA government tenders is sourcing tenders from over 600 different Government entities. Our service requires us to load these tenders onto our platform and arrange them into sectors before we can send out the tender notification to our members, as per the sectors they have identified. The launch of a central e-portal creates room for collaboration with Government and access to a wider range of procurement opportunities for our members. This will save us time, effort and money, which we can then invest in sourcing more private sector opportunities for our members and increasing our footprint throughout Africa,” said Nhlabathi.
“We believe this will positively influence our business, and we’re excited about the opportunities it will bring.”
OPENTENDERS was established when Nhlabathi, Sivu Maqungo and Madoda Khuzwayo, all successful entrepreneurs in their own right, wanted to work towards creating a platform that connects entrepreneurs with procurement opportunities from Public and Private sector on a global scale.
Nhlabathi said the key difference between OPENTENDERS and Government’s new portal, is that OPENTENDERS is a B2B social network platform that affords small businesses an opportunity to connect and trade with each other and expand their business on a global scale. As an add-on it also offers open Government and private sector tenders. This allows any business to easily track available opportunities within all sectors of their interest.