Author: Lloyd Nedohe

In the first half of 2023, South African auto manufacturers reported modest sales of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), with only 800 units sold nationwide. Volvo , BMW and Mini led the sales charts, with 374 and 283 units sold, respectively. Despite having over 12 million vehicles on the road, South Africa’s electric vehicle (EV) fleet remains tiny, with fewer than 2,500 EVs. This sluggish adoption rate suggests that the country, like the rest of the continent, will face significant challenges in transitioning to environmentally friendly transportation systems and embracing the EV revolution. In the aftermath of COP28, African leaders have…

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Key to Apartheid’s grand architecture was the garbled design intended to provide a delusion of functional, quasi-states with their educational institutions, and broadcast media. Aided by the geospatial spread of the South African Bantustans known as TBVC (Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei) states, Pretoria allowed them to self-provision broadcast media ecosystems (newspapers, radio, and, to a lesser extent TV). The self-provision was allowed while big brother tightfistedly locked away the means of production (radio frequencies). Unless you harboured a death wish, the content could not be at variance with the fundamental outcomes of homogenisation, manipulation, and suppression of public opinion.…

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