Every government, pretty much every government, is going to want a sovereign cloud,” Oracle chairman and chief technology officer Larry Ellison said on a recent earnings call with Wall Street analysts.
Speaking with analysts on the recent earnings call, Ellison said: “Eevery government — pretty much every government is going to want a sovereign cloud and a dedicated region for that government for not only — so, we see a number of countries — you know, it’s funny we talk about, you know, winning business with companies.
“For the first time, we’re beginning to win business country — for countries, you know, for the — for sovereign clouds where the national government and the state governments are moving to that Oracle OCI region. And of course, it’s got to be at least two of them for redundancy, for, you know — and in case of disaster and disaster recovery. So, we have a number of countries where we’re — we’re negotiating, you know, sovereign regions with the national government.”
in addition to offering public cloud services, Ellission said Oracle remains the only vendor which also offers a dedicated and complete cloud of customer-dedicated regions, sovereign clouds, and Alloy, and partner cloud. so customers don’t have to compromise the services they receive while meeting their deployment needs.
“And finally, we provide multi-cloud offerings so customers can consume our cloud services in the public cloud of their choice. We offer Oracle Database at Azure with Microsoft, as well as MySQL Heatwave through multiple clouds. And you can expect more multi-cloud services to come.”
Asked about Oracle’s global public sector solution that they referred to as government in a box, where Oracle, in partnership with the likes of Starlink, the Tony Blair project, are building solutions on top of OCI, including apps and tech and even Cerner to literally run entire country’s digital operations, Ellisson said it is really really — it’s very interesting and “we’ve gone into the, you know, government — national government and state government applications in a very very big way”.
“To give you an idea, a little glimpse of what we’re doing. Yes, we — because we can deliver these cloud regions to medium-sized countries, so, for example, Serbia, is standardizing on — or these Oracle cloud regions for, you know, for the — for the national government, we’re automating their healthcare. And people know that when — we’re in the healthcare business,” he said.
“What they might not know is, in cooperation with Starlink, we’re able to deliver on an internet service to — for the entire country, rural — you know, the rural part of the country. By the way, we can deliver the internet and we have delivered the internet to, let’s say, Kenya or Rwanda very inexpensively using Starlink and our — and our sovereign cloud regions to back — backhaul the internet — the internet — internet traffic. So, you can bring every school in Serbia online, has internet connectivity. Even if they’re rural, doesn’t matter, every school, every hospital.
“It’s true of Rwanda, that’s true of Kenya. We can do it very very cost effectively. And one of the applications we have for agriculture, we actually do a national map of the country where we can show you each of the farms in the country, what their — this farm is growing coffee, this farm is growing maize, this farm — which part of the fields are — are getting enough nitrogen, which part of the fields are getting enough water, what corrective actions you need to take to increase your agricultural output. We’re doing that, again, in concert with Elon Musk and SpaceX to do this kind of mapping to provide this a — this AI-assisted. And then, these maps are AI-assisted, help them plan their agricultural output and predict their agricultural output, predict markets, the logistics of the agricultural output, doing all of all of those things as next-generation national applications.
“And it is one of the most exciting things we’re doing. Of course, we do procurement and accounting, and human resources and recruiting, you know, for the government, we do all of those applications, but it’s some of the newer applications regarding food security, so making sure all the schools are online — rural schools are online, that rural hospitals are online. It’s automating those — those rural hospitals. It’s automating their vaccination program, their healthcare program across the board. These next-generation applications are very attractive. I’ll tell you one other crazy thing that we do.
“We’re — another generative AI application. If you want to join the EU — it took Serbia eight years to harmonize their laws to be able to join the EU. Albania is facing the same thing, but with generative AI, we can read the entire corpus of the Albanian laws and — and actually harmonize their laws with the EU in probably more like 18 months to two years rather than the eight years it took Serbia. So, there are all sorts of interesting new AI applications out there that people you — you’ve probably never heard of before, at least I hadn’t heard of before until these last 12 months now that we’ve worked on and we’re now in the process of delivering.”