Predictive dialing is the process of contacting prospective customers who have already shown interest in your products or services. Unlike a targeted campaign where you’re trying to target the largest group of customers for a given business, a predictive dialer from Selmo will contact people in groups of 10-100 people at a time with the specific intent of finding prospects who are most likely to purchase your product.
Who Can Avail of Using Predictive Dialers?
If you have a brick-and-mortar store or a company selling a physical product or service to the public, you will generally want to use a predictive dialer to do the majority of your sales prospecting. Predictive dialers can be a powerful tool for a company looking to grow its business or for a small company trying to stay in the black. With predictive dialers software, you can save money and time compared to more traditional sales prospecting methods.
But how does a predictive dialers work? And how can you avail of using them? The trick is that predictive dialers use a computer to send automated scripts to customers who have signed up to receive call campaigns. The process of predictive dialing usually starts with a list of existing customers, which may include names and numbers of existing prospects and customers. The dialer makes a targeted number of phone calls to that list, and this is done using predictive analytics tools or algorithms. An important aspect of predictive dialing is the fact that they are also often able to collect detailed data about the conversations that are happening during the dialer calls.
A dialer call typically starts with a greeting where the prospect answers the phone, and the call is routed to a specific agent. The agent may ask the prospect some questions about the business, its products or services, or its needs. The dialer call also typically uses either standard techniques or automated dialing scripts that lead the conversation. Many predictive dialers will collect the prospect’s phone number, the agent’s name, the agent’s call duration, and the number of calls made. For example, the dialer might ask the prospect, “Why did you choose ____?” and then follow up with the questions, “How much did you spend on _____?” or “Is ____ the best service in the area?” The information that these predictive dialers collect during the call can be used to improve the dialer routing and the call itself.
As with any marketing and sales technique, there is a lot of “sales hype” surrounding predictive dialers. And there are many good reasons for that.
Predictive Dialers Will Save Your Time
Using predictive dialing can be extremely efficient because it reduces the time needed to reach potential customers. You don’t need to search through paper lists of phone numbers because the software generates the list from your target DB. If you are not familiar with dialing in the past, how did you manage to dial multiple numbers? It usually requires a call center representative who would wait for each call to be completed before making the next. With predictive dialer software, you can make calls in bulk and call at your own pace.
Predictive Dialers Are Integrated Easily
As long as the software is easy to use, you should not have a problem integrating the dialing service with your current phone system. It’s much easier to set up a list in a predictive dialer than it is to set up a list manually. This also allows for the integration of other services, such as call recording or a voice mail system, so you can answer your calls in different ways as the situation requires.
You can also easily expand your reach by creating a list for a specific area code, such as 408 or 424. This can be helpful if you want to market to a specific group of people in a certain area. Of course, it is necessary to know how predictive dialers work in order to benefit from the appliances.
Types of Predictive Dialing Software Solutions
There are three different types of predictive dialers:
- A contact management system can be configured to provide call lists based on criteria you define (for example, the average time spent on the phone for each person who picks up the phone). You can have the predictive dialer automatically call your prospects and measure the results based on the data provided;
- A voice response system can also be configured to provide call lists based on the criteria you define. The difference between this type of predictive dialer and a contact management system is that you can have the dialer call specific numbers or groups of numbers and send them to a voicemail system. You can have it read a recorded message, play music, play prerecorded information, or record a message;
- A hybrid call management system can also be configured to provide call lists based on the criteria you define. It has all the options of the contact management system and the voice response system.
Different types of predictive dialers have different functions and can be used for different purposes. And before you pick the one for you, it is important that you keep in mind how do predictive dialers work and what specific function you need them to perform.