The Digital Future May Rely On Ultrafast Optical Electronics And ComputersBy The Conversation2023-07-03 by Mohammed Hassan, University of Arizona If you’ve ever wished you had a faster phone, computer or internet connection, you’ve…
What is Log4j? A Cybersecurity Expert Explains The Latest Internet VulnerabilityBy The Conversation2021-12-23 Log4Shell, an internet vulnerability that affects millions of computers, involves an obscure but nearly ubiquitous piece of software, Log4j. The…
An AI Expert Explains Why It’s Hard To Give Computers Something You Take For Granted: Common SenseBy The Conversation2021-08-18 Imagine you’re having friends over for lunch and plan to order a pepperoni pizza. You recall Amy mentioning that Susie…
How Smartphones Replace ComputersBy Percival Soko2021-06-14 In the 21st century, almost everything can be conducted with the use of smartphones. Cell phones are no more those…
What Is An Algorithm? How Computers Know What To Do With DataBy The Conversation2020-10-19 by Jory Denny The world of computing is full of buzzwords: AI, supercomputers, machine learning, the cloud, quantum computing and…
COVID-19: Some Judges Refuse to Use their Own Computers During LockdownBy Ground Up2020-05-28 By Tania Broughton, For Ground Up Justice in lockdown is being hampered because some judges, who earn almost R2 million a year,…