Meet Sergeant Morekwana Monyela: A Drone Pilot Making A Difference In Limpopo’s Vala Umgodi Operations2025-02-10
AI Is Helping Astronomers Make New Discoveries And Learn About The Universe Faster Than Ever BeforeBy The Conversation2023-05-04 by Chris Impey, University of Arizona The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper. A…
Astronomers Used Machine Learning To Mine Data From South Africa’s MeerKAT Telescope: What They FoundBy The Conversation2023-04-06 by Michelle Lochner, University of the Western Cape New telescopes with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution are being unveiled around the…
Combined Power Of Two Telescopes Is Helping Crack The Mystery Of Eerie Rings In The SkyBy The Conversation2022-04-14 When astronomers dream of their ideal telescopes, it’s not that different to what people want from their TVs and computer…