It’s no secret that modern-day society runs mostly on data. The way we research, collect and curate data to better understand human behaviour, trends and needs in the new modern world is continuously evolving. Thanks to developments in data science and technology, this is becoming a fulfilling career that is changing the economic standards of many countries and the world. But, how do you get started in this industry? In this piece, we will look at the skills you need to become a data analyst, how you can equip yourself with a good education, and how you can improve your current skills.

First? Think In Analytics

Great analysts from all over the world use data to draw conclusions; they don’t approach a question or problem with a preconceived answer. Though sometimes they may have several hypotheses to test, this is one of the most important truths about a career in analytics, which you should embrace before making a career change. If you haven’t had much exposure to working with data or using data to draw conclusions, one way to gain some practice is by focusing on the everyday statistics and numbers in your life. For example, pick a topic you are interested in but do not know much about to make a solid decision or form a position on. With this topic, research and compile relevant data on the topic and see if your final position has changed from your initial one based on the data you collected and analysed. If you enjoy this type of exercise, then you could be well suited to this career choice.

Now, Be The Analyst Student

Hearing the details about what a data analyst role can entail might sound daunting. However, this should not deter you, as data analysis is a skill that very much caters for the high-speed, technology-driven world we currently live in. An online data analysis course will introduce you to the fundamentals of data analysis and the broader potential of analytics in business. In this course, you’ll learn how data is collected, stored, organised, analysed, and interpreted, and you’ll be given the chance to practice data analysis techniques on real-world data sets. A data analysis course is not only a good career move, but a great business one as well. With data analysis, you are able to better cater for your customers’ wants and needs as the information you’ve collected and analysed provides useful and impactful insights.

Next, Gain Analytical (and Other) Skills

A career in data analytics often requires significant training and education. And, while it is important to educate yourself on how to become a data analyst, there are skills that can only be learned through practical experience. These are: 

  • Data Visualisation: the ability to present data findings
  • Data Cleaning: one of the most critical steps in assembling a functional machine learning model and often comprises a significant chunk of any data analyst’s day
  • MATLAB, R, Python, SQL and NoSQL: programming languages that will be a huge part of your vocabulary as a data analyst.

You also need good communication and critical thinking skills, as these will help you dissect and simplify your findings for those you may need to present to. After all, not everyone understands data analysis terminology.

To Data Analyse Or Not To Data Analyse?

While the world is definitely shifting into a data-inspired era, it is evident that a career in data analytics could take you to greater lengths. Data analytics can help you and your business reach new customers while keeping current ones happy. So consider taking up a course, or simply find a few videos and publications that cover data analytics and see if your interest is still being sparked after learning from them.

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