Young people are disillusioned with the corporate rat race. The fast growth of technology and globalisation are dramatically changing the growing class of digital entrepreneurs who are leveraging technology to design a more fulfilling and profitable lifestyle. Innovation often emerges where there’s the greatest need. With the coronavirus crisis decimating industries and exacerbating job losses, new entrepreneurs are emerging as more and more people look for better ways to earn income and become non-dependent on formal employment for financial stability and security. What the marketplace currently demands is a combination of integrative thinking, fresh design approaches, and optimal use of technology, all within a framework which factors in humanistic ethics and values.

A modern ethic of self-fulfilment, authenticity, and individualism pervades young people’s sense of meaningful work. Society is transitioning into an entrepreneurial economy and now is the time to invest in ourselves and take advantage of technology to create meaningful work that embraces risk and creativity and offers more wealth and freedom than the broken system of the traditional 9-to-5 grind.

Running an online business can be cumbersome and demanding if the appropriate tools to automate functions, streamline processes and optimise operations are not put in place. There are hundreds of online business tools to help you achieve your goals and objectives. However, having a systematic way of using all the free resources available online is what enables one to become an effective entrepreneur. The internet comes with many distractions but with the Digital Entrepreneur Manual, you can have all you need to know to launch a successful online business.

The compact manual is a comprehensive list of descriptive links to free resources, tools, platforms and apps that you need to set up an income-generating business on the internet.

It’s the ultimate online hustle toolkit you can leverage to empower yourself in the digital economy. The tools you’ll find cover all aspects of operating a business from anywhere in the world. It includes tools for idea management, domain and website management, coding, design, eCommerce, mobile, task management, time management, collaboration, project management, content management, social media marketing, business, legal, SEO, growth hacking, analytics, learning and education, online payments and ultimately earning money online.

Having an online business gives entrepreneurs the freedom to make money from anywhere in the world. The challenge is that most entrepreneurs don’t know where to start. Launching an online business requires one to run different aspects of it. The key thing to always keep top of mind is that anyone looking to become a full-time entrepreneur or just to start a part-time business for passive income needs to create a product or service that satisfies a specific consumer need. To save time and money, a smart entrepreneur needs a reliable business toolkit in order to execute and make the most of hustle.

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