We are entering a digital, intelligent, and fully connected era where everything will be sensing, connected, and intelligent.

As part of its plans to respond to this technological revolution, Huawei wants to make digital services more affordable and equally accessible to all.

“Huawei has been creating value for its customers through innovation. We are doing everything we can to bridge the digital divide and meet the world’s needs for connectivity,” Liang Hua, Chairman of Huawei, said.

“We want to make digital services more affordable and equally accessible to all, and to do our part in contributing to social and economic development.”

On Friday, Huawei launched its 2018 Sustainability Report, which explains the company’s four strategies for sustainability: digital inclusion, security and trustworthiness, environmental protection, and a healthy and harmonious ecosystem.

A new generation of information and communication technologies like the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence are now the new engines of socioeconomic growth. They are also increasingly a part of our day-to-day lives.

Huawei, as a  global provider of ICT infrastructure and smart devices, believes that ICT is creating a better future for humanity, and will play a key role in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), said Hua.

Huawei has created a digital inclusion initiative called TECH4ALL, which involves efforts to spread connectivity, applications, and digital skills.

“It is helping to extend digital inclusion, and ultimately aims to bring the benefits of digital technologies to every person, home, and organization,” said Hua.

“We are committed to developing innovative technologies to deliver ubiquitous connectivity. Our mobile network base stations are lighter than ever. That has made it easier for our customers to quickly build new networks at lower costs, connecting 100 million rural residents and making connectivity for remote regions a reality.”

“We want to bring the benefits of digital technology to every person, home, and organization. To this end, we have launched a global digital inclusion initiative called TECH4ALL. For example, our RuralStar solution has connected 40 million rural residents as of the end of 2018.,” Kevin Tao, Board Member and Chairman of Sustainable Development Committee of Huawei, said.

Huawei. : Allmy / Shutterstock.com

“We currently provide communications services to over three billion people around the world, and we are committed to supporting secure network operations worldwide.

“We honour this commitment no matter what. For example,” he said.

“In 2018, after a magnitude 7.7 earthquake hit Indonesia, Huawei was the first and the only vendor to the scene.”

Tao also announced Huawei’s new sustainability strategies, which include two major changes.

First, Huawei has expanded its strategy of bridging the digital divide into a digital inclusion strategy. Building on connectivity, the company is now also paying more attention to applications and skills.

Second, its strategy of supporting stable and secure network operations and protecting user privacy has been upgraded into the “security and trustworthiness” strategy.

Huawei incorporates sustainability in everything it does – in its innovation, value creation, and value sharing with its partners – so that it can deliver greater business value and social value. Looking forward, Huawei will work even harder and do its part in building a better, sustainable future.

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