By Staff Writer

Good sales for the electrified cars are slowing bring BMW’s plan closer to sell more than 100 000 electric vehicles in 2017.

The German carmaker announced on Thursday that more than 50,000 BMW i, BMW iPerformance and electrified MINI vehicles have been delivered to customers around the world since the start of the year.

The company now has a total of nine electrified automobiles on the market: sales of these vehicles totalled 50,711 in the first seven months of the year, an increase of 74.8% on the same period last year.

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The German automaker said this makes it the world’s 3rd biggest battery electric vehicle (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) manufacturer.

It added that the BMW i3 is the best-selling compact battery-electric vehicle in the segment worldwide since 2014, with the sales curve showing a clear upward trend.

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