Local surgeon Dr. Neal Goldstein in partnership with a global software company, EPI-USE, has developed and launched a web and mobile app that allows patients to safely capture and share their personal information electronically with medical practitioners and any other healthcare professionals.

LogBox, which is a free mobile and web-based application, saves patients the time previously wasted in repeatedly filling in or updating paper forms at each medical practice they visit.

The app is a step towards digitising South African medical practices.

Patients’ electronic information is captured once and then shared multiple times in the future with other medical practices that subscribe to LogBox, with explicit consent. The app is universally applicable and not restricted to any medical aid nor hospital group.

Apart from doctors, it can be used by any person involved in the healthcare industry, including dieticians, physiotherapists and optometrists, to name a few.

LogBox offers doctors and allied healthcare professionals a secure, easy to use, POPI-compliant app that is hosted in the cloud. It records and keeps patients’ personal information without the need for reams of paper and admin-related delays.

“LogBox, unlike current tools available, is a universal service that can be used by any patient and any medical professional. We are proud to say that LogBox has been successfully piloted at the Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre,” says Dr. Goldstein, orthopaedic surgeon and founder of LogBox.

With just three simple steps, LogBox overcomes the single most irritating part of visiting a new medical professional for patients, and eliminates the potential for incorrect data capture within medical practices. LogBox is set to revolutionise the way that medical practices engage with their patients.

Dr. Sue Tager, CEO and Hospital Manager at Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre welcomes the efficiencies that LogBox brings to the hospital.

She explains, “Patients are often stressed and anxious when they visit a medical professional, and the last thing that they want to do is get caught up in repetitive admin, filling in forms with the same information that they’ve had to supply many times already.”

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