Ex-SAA CEO Vuyani Jarana Quietly Buys Stake in MobaxBy Gugu Lourie2020-04-08 Former South African Airways (SAA) CEO Vuyani Jarana quietly acquires a shareholding in Mobax, a technology investment and holding firm.…
Vodacom Entangled in R22m Dispute Involving Mobax and NeelaBy Gugu Lourie2020-02-04 Neela, a KwaZulu-Natal based business, is demanding that Mobax settle an outstanding debt of R22 million, which includes interest, storage,…
Vodacom Vs MDPS: Praveen Maharaj Says he Didn’t Make Death ThreatsBy Gugu Lourie2020-01-29 Praveen Maharaj on Wednesday dismissed reports linking him to death threats made in a WhatsApp Group against MDPS (Mobile Diesel…
Vodacom Litigation: MDPS Refusal To Be Hijacked By Corruption Was its DownfallBy Gugu Lourie2020-01-28 MDPS (Mobile Diesel Power Systems) is out of business because a report was tampered with which exonerated the KwaZulu Natal-based…