The .ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA) has published the draft .za registry and registrar licensing regulations that provide details on the requirements to be met by registries and registrars to be licensed by the Authority, the steps to be taken when applying for the renewal of the license, and how to address contraventions of the license conditions.
The draft regulations are in accordance with the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (ECT ACT) 25 of 2002, Section 68 and 94 of the ECT Act, which authorises the Authority with the approval of the Minister to make regulations.
According to Molehe Wesi, CEO of ZADNA, these regulations facilitate a fundamental constitutional process of public participation.
Some of the proposed changes include:
- Registrars must provide broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) information with their licence application — specifically details of BEE ownership.
- Registrars must collect and store identity documents, physical addresses, and contact information of people wishing to register .ZA domains
- Registrars must apply for a licence, which will be valid for 10 years
- Licence and registrar fees payable via the registry — yet to be determined
- If non-commercial registrars stop operating, they must provide customer registration data to ZADNA
“ZADNA calls upon all stakeholders and interested parties to provide comments on the published draft regulations, and the deadline for receiving comments is 06 June 2022,” says Wesi.
“We call upon the public and the internet community to scrutinise the document and provide us with input on the proposed draft. These regulations are in line with prescripts of the law, particularly section 65 (1) (c) and 65 (1) (d) of the ECT Act, which details the functions of the Authority,” adds Wesi.
Once the regulations are promulgated, ZADNA will continuously engage industry stakeholders to ensure minimal disruption.
“This has been a long time in the making, and we are delighted to engage in the process of promulgating these regulations, and what a way to celebrate the 20 years of the ECT Act,” concludes Wesi.
The published regulations can be viewed here
Public comments for these regulations are open until 6 June 2022.